Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

One of the current hot topics in science is data: how can datasets be used in scientific and scholarly research in a more reliable, citable and accountable way? Data is of paramount importance to scientific progress, yet most research data remains private. Enhancing the transparency of the processes applied to collect, treat and analyze data will help to render scientific research results reproducible and thus more accountable. The datasets itself should also be accessible to other researchers, so that research publications, dataset descriptions, and the actual datasets can be linked. The journal Data provides a forum to publish methodical papers on processes applied to data collection, treatment and analysis, as well as for data descriptors publishing descriptions of a linked dataset.

Journal of Applied Data Sciences is a forum for exchange of research findings, analysis, information, and knowledge in areas that include but are not limited to:

  • Predictive Modelling - Journal of Applied Data Sciences encourages research endeavours that identify organizational risks and opportunities by exploiting patterns found in historical and transactional data.
  • Simulation Modelling - Journal of Applied Data Sciences promotes application of simulation in enterprise and organizational context for examining and comparing options and scenarios prior to implementation.
  • Optimization Modelling - Journal of Applied Data Sciences promotes research that can help decision-makers make the best choice by means of various optimization models.
  • Prescriptive Methods - Journal of Applied Data Sciences invites research that supports the joint application of predictive models and optimization technology to create better solutions for decision-makers.
  • Business Intelligence - Journal of Applied Data Sciences invites research that utilizes the latest techniques in data mining, analysis, and performance management to help decision-makers gain and sustain a competitive edge.


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Conference - ICADS 2024

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process


  1. Editors first review the submitted manuscript, called initial review by the editors. It will be desk evaluated whether the submitted manuscript is suitable for the Journal of Applied Data Science based on focus and scope, similarity score by using Crosscheck-Turnitin, methodological flaw, readability of the articles, and adhering to the submitted paper template.
  2. Furthermorethe manuscript will be sent to at least two anonymous reviewers (Single-Blind Peer-Review)
  3. The anonymous reviewers' comments are then sent to the corresponding author for necessary actions and responses. Afterward, the editorial team meeting suggested the final decision to the revised manuscript by authors.
  4. Finally, the Editor will send the final decision to the corresponding author.
  5. The accepted manuscript then continued to the copyediting and layout editing process to prepare the camera-ready paper.


Publication Frequency

4 Times a Year (January, May, September, December)


Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.



This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration. More...


Journal of Applied Data Science (JADS)

Journal of Applied Data Science (JADS) aims to advance and promote data science methods, computing, and applications in all scientific fields where knowledge and insights are to be extracted from data. The journal publishes research works on the full spectrum of the data science including statistics, computer science, and domain applications. The topics can be about any aspect of the life cycle (collecting, processing, analyzing, communicating, etc.) of data science projects from any field that involves understanding and making effective use of data. The emphasis is on applications, case studies, statistical methods, computational tools, and reviews of data science.

Frequency: 4 issues per year

e-ISSN : 2723-6471

DOI    : 10.47738

Important Dates:

Paper Submission Date: Anytime

Acceptance Notification: 1-3 Months from Submission Date

Online Publication Date: Last date of January, May, September, December


Complaints Policy

We aim to respond to and resolve all complaints quickly and constructively. The procedures to investigate and resolve complaints followed by Journal of Applied Data Sciences (JADS) aims to be fair and balanced for those making complaints and for those being complained about. The complaint can be made by writing an email. All complaints will be acknowledged within five working days.


Advertising Policy

At present, we do not publish any advertisement in Journal of Applied Data Sciences (JADS).