Data mining for Education Sector, a proposed concept

Ammar Salamh Mujali Al-Rawahnaa, Anas Yahya Bader Al Hadid


Data mining is very much needed in various fields In accessing a large amount of data requires time and a high level of accuracy. In higher education the potential influence of data mining on the learning processes and outcomes of the students was realized. Especially in the field of education, knowing almost every educational institute, both public and private, has thousands of data from students with a variety of different programs and subjects. Understanding the benefits of data retrieval will facilitate the course of education itself. The use of Data mining in education will be useful in developing a student-focused strategy and in providing the correct tools that institutions would be able to use for quality improvement purposes. In this paper, we will find out the benefits of applying data mining in the education sector using classification, prediction, association and clustering methods.

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Abstract: 564 Viewers PDF: 341 Viewers


Data Analytics; Education; Educational Data Mining; Learning Analytics.

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Journal of Applied Data Sciences

ISSN : 2723-6471 (Online)
Organized by : Computer Science and Systems Information Technology, King Abdulaziz University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
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