Modelling Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence Architecture for Non-profit Organization Based on Data Governances Framework

Adi Suryaputra Paramita, Harjanto Prabowo, Arief Ramadhan, Dana Indra Sensuse


Information systems research for non-profit organizations is an opportunity to make a contribution to the field of information systems, the adoption of information systems in this field is relatively tedious and there are few studies that examine this area; consequently, there are several research gaps in the domain of non-profit organizations that need to be solved. This research will focus on the development of data warehouse architecture and business intelligence for non-profit organizations. In this study, the Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) technique will be employed to develop a data warehouse architecture and business intelligence. This research will interview twenty individuals to collect primary data, review organizational policy documents, and conduct an open-ended survey. The obtained data will then be qualitatively analyzed, resulting in the formation of rich picture diagrams, CATWOE analysis, and conceptual models, which will ultimately form a data warehouse architecture and business intelligence. This research has produced a microservices-enhanced data warehouse architecture and business intelligence for non-profit organizations.

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Abstract: 192 Viewers PDF: 121 Viewers


Data Warehouse; Business Intelligence; SSM; Non-Profit; Information Systems

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Journal of Applied Data Sciences

ISSN : 2723-6471 (Online)
Organized by : Computer Science and Systems Information Technology, King Abdulaziz University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
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