Survey Opinion using Sentiment Analysis

Taqwa Hariguna, Husni Teja Sukmana, Jong Il Kim


Sentiment analysis or opinion mining is a computational study of the opinions, judgments, attitudes, and emotions of a person towards an entity, individual, issue, event, topic, and attributes. This task is very challenging technically but very useful in practice. For example, a business always wants to seek opinion about its products and services from the public or the consumers. Additionally, potential consumers want to learn what users think they have when using a service or purchasing a product. To get public opinion on food habits, ad strategies, political trends, social issues and business policy, this is a very critical factor. This paper will explain a survey of key sentiment-extraction approaches.

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Abstract: 408 Viewers PDF: 100 Viewers


Opinion mining; Business; Machine learning; Sentiment Analysis; Survey

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Journal of Applied Data Sciences

ISSN : 2723-6471 (Online)
Organized by : Computer Science and Systems Information Technology, King Abdulaziz University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
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