Long short-term memory-based chatbot for vocational registration information services

Yudo Sembodo Hastoro Langgeng, Esther Irawati Setiawan, Syaiful Imron, Joan Santoso


The development of chatbots can communicate fluently like humans thanks to the Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology. Using this technology, chatbots can provide more accurate and natural responses, providing an almost the same experience as human interaction. Therefore, chatbot technology is in great demand by companies and government agencies as a cost-effective solution for information and administrative services that require little human effort and can operate 24/7. The registration information service at BLK Surabaya still uses an operator who serves prospective trainees and answers questions via social media or chat. However, these operators have limitations in terms of time and effort. The purpose of this study is to examine how to use chatbots to answer questions about registration information training at BLK Surabaya using the Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) algorithm with a dataset of questions collected in the form of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) in Indonesian. The dataset consists of 2,636 labeled samples of questions, which were divided into three sets: 60% for training (1,581 pieces), 20% for validation (527 samples), and 20% for testing (528 samples) to evaluate the model's performance. Several steps were taken in implementing this research, including changing the list of questions and answers into the JSON data format, preprocessing, creating LSTM modeling, data training, and data testing. The test results show that Chatbot can provide accurate solutions related to training registration questions with Precision of 88.4%, Accuracy of 87.6%, and Recall of 87.3%.

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Vocational Training Centre information; AI Chatbot; LSTM; Natural Language Processing

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Journal of Applied Data Sciences

ISSN : 2723-6471 (Online)
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